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Oxygen Scavenger

Oxygen Scavenger:

An Oxygen Scavenger is a chemical substance that is used to reduce or completely remove oxygen in fluids and enclosed spaces to prevent oxygen-induced corrosion. It is also known as an Oxygen Absorber. It is used as a corrosion inhibitor in oil and gas production installations, packaging, production separation and seawater injection systems. We have two grades for Oxygen Scavenger.

Ammonium Bisulphite: Powder / Liquid
Sodium Sulphite: Powder / Liquid
Sodium Sulphite Powder :
1 Chemical Formula Na2SO3
2 Purity 85% to 96.3%
3 Physical (Off White Powder) Physical (Off White Powder)
4 Matter Insoluble In Water Percent by mass 0.08%
5 Iron (ASFE) % 20 PPM
6 Heavy Metals % by Mass 10 ppm
7 Reaction to Amonical Silver Nitrate solution To Pass the test
8 Packing HDPE bags – 50 kg , with inner liner
Sodium Sulphite Liquid :
Particular Limits Results
Purity 25% 26.1%
Matter Insoluble in Water % by mass 0.9% 0.08%
IRON <20 ppm Pass
Heavy Metals % by mass <10 ppm Pass
Reaction to Amonical Silver Nitrate Solution To Pass the test Pass
Particular Limits Results
Purity 25% 26.1%
Physical Pale Cream / Transparent Solution Pass
Matter Insoluble in Water % by mass 0.9% 0.08%
IRON <20 ppm Pass
Heavy Metals % by mass <10 ppm Pass
Reaction to Amonical Silver Nitrate Solution To Pass the test Pass
Ammonium Bisulphite Liquid:
Sr.No. Parameter Results Required Result Obtained
1 Physical Appearance Clear Yellow Liquid As per specification
2 Specific Gravity 1.3 – 1.4 1.351
3 Soluble in water Soluble Soluble
4 Flash Point Above 200 Deg F Above 200 Deg F
5 pH Value 4.75 – 5.25 4.90
6 Water Content 35% Max 33.80%
7 Assay as (NH4)HSO3 by mass 65% min 66.20%